Issue with nursery school article
EDITOR: Your Aug. 8 article, “Nursery school at fiscal brink,” though well-intentioned, was poorly-written and poorly-researched.  It quoted a single, unconfirmed source without context or alternative viewpoints.  Perhaps this is why you represented our monthly fees as weekly fees.  In fact, far from charging $2100 per month for 5-day preschool, as published, we strive to offer Healdsburg’s most affordable fee schedule, ranging as low as $325 per month.  This commitment to financial accessibility for the whole community has allowed us to remain Healdsburg’s oldest preschool.
This commitment also necessitates proper stewardship of finances.  Luckily, we have a great board, with a wide variety of backgrounds, including expertise in finance and business operations.  We are instituting significant changes to ensure our continued provision of quality, affordable preschool education to the whole community, not just this year and next, but for the next generation’s children.  Just as the Tribune’s typically high-quality work has led to tremendous community support, so too, our holistic, family-based approach to pre-K education leads to consistent support, especially from the hundreds of alumni in the area.  We expect to host our most-successful yet online auction this holiday season, featuring great deals not only on amazing, local wines, but gift certificates and high-value experiences donated by some of Healdsburg and Sonoma County’s most beloved local businesses.  We hope your keen interest in our school means we can look forward to another front-page article when the time comes to let the community know about our auction.

Gabriel Froymovich

In support of scenic expansion
EDITOR: Greenbelt Alliance and many of our land conservation allies strongly support the expansion of Scenic Landscape Units to the hills and farm lands in and around Cloverdale, Healdsburg, Knights Valley and Franz Valley.
This plan has been in the works for several years. The Scenic Landscape Unit standards are being expanded to include important agricultural and open space lands in north county that support our healthy environment and economy. It is consistent with the General Plan and will ensure that future development as allowed in the hillside parcels will be consistent with the scenic quality, rural character and landscape values.
These policies have worked well to protect Sonoma Mountain, the Mayacamas Mountain, Taylor Mountain and other lands across the county from over-sized, over-scale homes and structures that overwhelm the rural landscape. Scenic Landscape Units don’t stop residents from rebuilding the home they lost to the wildfires or following fire-safe protocols. It won’t prevent others from building their dream home. Barns and farm structures are exempt. We thank Supervisor James Gore and the County of Sonoma for reaching out and moving the expanded Scenic Landscape Units forward.

Teri Shore

Regional Director, North Bay

Greenbelt Alliance

Santa Rosa

Can do without your pruning & dog
EDITOR: I buried my mother six months ago. I buried my father last week. My mother loved roses; my father enjoyed planting them for her. One of her favorites, a deep ruby red rose, was planted next to the steps that lead from the sidewalk to the house. They often stopped and smelled the blooms as the plant gave them flowers all summer long. There was one stem left that had fully opened yesterday. This morning, when I was watering, someone had pulled the flower off the plant and thrown it upon the sidewalk. I am quite capable of pruning my own roses, thank you.
By the way, there are a multitude of dog parks in and about our lovely town of Healdsburg; the corner of our property is not a dog park. Not only do some people allow their pets access to the property, they don’t even clean up after them. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy having a pet when I don’t want one.

Brent Mortensen


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