Final thank you
Editor: This is my final thank you to the Healdsburg Medical
Community. I have been teaching the health occupations class at
Healdsburg High School for about 8 years, but this upcoming year
the District and the County decided to discontinue the class and
add Culinary Arts and Photography instead.  I am so thankful for
the opportunity I have had to provide this class for students and
feel sad that it is being discontinued. The doctors, nurses,
assistants, clerical staff and auxiliary staff that make up the
Healdsburg Medical Community have gone out of their way to make
sure that these students have quality experiences. They have also
come to the classroom to speak specifically about their careers.
Many of my former students are nurses in pediatrics, neonatal
intensive care units, medical/surgical units, or they are EMT’s,
phlebotomists, and medical assistants. I also have former students
who are currently in premed or medical school. They are all my hope
for quality healthcare for our community, the nation, and the
world. I also had students who decided that a health career wasn’t
for them, but I recently saw a former student at a local workplace
who told me he got a job specifically because he received
certification for CPR/First Aid in my class. I would like to share
the following note written by one of my students this past year
that was addressed to Healdsburg Hospital and Alliance Medical
Center, her words says it all:
“I just wanted to thank you so much for touching our lives. The
time you took to show us and teach us your career was the most
amazing part of my life. I really appreciate everything that you
have given me. Your kindness to give me all of your knowledge was
the best experience of my life. You guys really touched my
On another note, I am very disheartened that the Superintendent
and current Board of Trustees have decided not to renew John
Curry’s contract for the 2010-2011 school year. John has been a
leader with no hidden agenda, whose agenda has only been to provide
the best and safest environment for students to learn both at HHS
and Healdsburg Junior High. He has done that by being a person who
is trustworthy and works hard to get the job done. As a person on
his staff at both the junior and high schools I have known his
support and his counsel when things got tough. Because he is a
quality individual he will do an excellent job this year even
knowing that it is his last year in the District. As a Healdsburg
Community member and voter, I have to question the District’s
Carla Trotter, RN PHN BSN
Great letter, Joe
Editor: I have probably known Joe Belli for 25-plus years. I
moved back to Healdsburg about six years ago. I have seen him at
the FFA Fair every year supporting the youth and maybe two or three
other times since. About two months ago, I asked Joe to make a
stainless steel counter top for an antique pantry my folks own.
Well, after he threatened to not let me take possession, I left the
money on his desk, grabbed the counter top and hurried to my
Long story short, Joe took the money with him to the bank when
he made his daily deposit. Being the friend that he is, Joe gave
the money to my sister, Stefanie who works at the bank. Stefanie
gave the money to my folks.
When I heard he had done that, I called him and asked, What’s
up, Joe?” He answered, “Jeff, it’s for your moms,” (whom he has
never met.) Thanks again, Joe. You are right. Friends and family
are priceless; far greater than having all the wealth.
Jeff Mortensen
Supporting Curry
Editor: I would like to thank Carolyn Moore, a teacher in the
Healdsburg School District for many years — for many years — for
her letter regarding her high regard for John Curry, a principal of
long duration both at the junior high and senior high schools. I
share her dismay over the recent School Board decision to terminate
John’s employment after the next school year. In my last three
years (including one retirement year, in which I was active on
campus still teaching and subbing) it had been truly a pleasure
working with him at the high school — and for all the reasons
Carolyn mentioned — reliability, consistency and compassion. I
would also add another quality — John gave and received RESPECT! It
will truly be a loss for the Healdsburg School District when he is
terminated. One wonders if the school board understands (or even
cares) about the positive relationship between John and his staff’s
both at the junior high and senior high schools (let alone his
unique relationship with the students at both sites)? I can
honestly say that working with at least twelve principals over my
forty-five years of teaching at HHS that John Curry is the
Mike Berry
France comes to the Burg
Editor: Attendance at Costeaux’s annual Bastille Day 2009 July
14 was tres magnifique. We appreciate the joyful participation from
fellow Healdsburgians and Sonoma County residents to guests
representing Montreal to Monterrey, and the French exchange
students who traveled from Mairin to spend the day at the
Merci beaucoup to Brent Mortensen, Healdsburg High School
faculty member extraordinaire, for the superb décor and costumes,
consultations, and flawless taste which transformed Costeaux French
Bakery’s mezzanine “stage.” Accolades to Pamela Skidmore, owner of
Sonoma Meetings and Incentives and member of the board of directors
of Raven Players Healdsburg Performing Arts Theater, for her
casting of many of the Bastille Day performers and her own
rendition of a purple-wigged peasant who was everywhere an extra
set of hands was needed that day. Neptunes Coach Cameron Tyson was
the quintessential Tour de Costeaux stationary bicycle race
director, leading the peloton of sidewalk cyclists with expertise,
motivating commentary and glorious humor.
Why this celebration in Healdsburg, why something so French? We
are a French Bakery, of course, but besides that — Bastille Day is
the French national holiday which commemorates the storming of the
Bastille prison in 1789. The uprising symbolizes the birth of the
modern French nation, similar to our Fourth of July holiday.
Bastille Day celebrations take place all across our country
representing a long-standing friendship between France and the
United States. This friendship is rooted in the shared values the
French and American Revolution gave the world, and which are
forever depicted by the Statue of Liberty. These shared values give
Bastille Day a universal appeal which is especially meaningful in
cosmopolitan Healdsburg, which serves as the gateway to Sonoma’s
Wine Country for international visitors. For those of us who are
fortunate to live here year round, how often can you dabble in
different Parisian sandwiches and a sampler of French dessert
delicacies as you watch a free show of can-can dancing and fencing?
Can-can dancing in your hometown bakery? Why not, we say. For a
quick look/see of all the frivolity, go to
Thanks, too, to all our customers (beloved friends) who embraced
the French spirit of the holiday along with the Seppi family and
staff. Next year July 14th falls on a Wednesday, so make your plans
to have some free time from work now. It’s “just like Paris, but
the servers are nice!”
Abby Whitenack
Costeaux French Bakery
AHTV a wonderful asset
Editor: I recently had the opportunity to record some brief
video introductions at the Access Healdsburg TV studio, located on
the campus of Healdsburg High School. It was my first visit to the
facility, and I was thoroughly impressed!
The studio is well designed and well equipped. The staff was
knowledgeable, helpful, and efficient. Sarah Bond and Joe Muller
assisted me in completing my recordings, and the results were all
that I had hoped for.
I would highly recommend you contact them for any audio/visual
projects you may be contemplating.
Access Healdsburg TV studio is a wonderful asset to Sonoma
County, the students at Healdsburg High, and to the rest of
Supervisor Kelley’s constituents in the Fourth District.
Valerie Brown
Sonoma County Supervisor, 1st District

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