Take dogma out of sex ed
Editor: I am pleased with Laura McCutcheon’s Sept. 22 article on
sex education for the Sonoma County Union High School District
(“Educators get a lesson in teaching sex education”). I work as a
professional sex surrogate and sex educator. I am finishing my
master’s degree to become a clinical sexologist. I am a middle-aged
The politically conservative, dogmatic religious groups that oppose
full sex education in schools are allowing their fears to prevent
them from acknowledging the facts about teenagers and their
decisions. Like the fact that educated teens often are more likely
to postpone sexual activity and to use contraception if they are
sexually active. Also, young women are safer from rape when they
have assertiveness and communication skills training.
Also, people would be wise to remember that our country was founded
on the separation of Church and State. People in our country are
free to believe what they choose, but my religion does not prevent
sex education in schools.
Barbara Daugherty
Opposed to more radio
Editor: Thank you for covering this important subject with your
recent article on the Castle proposal to increase the power of the
cell towers in Sebastopol (“EMF Safety Network files appeal over
antennas,” Sept. 29). I am strongly opposed to increases in radio
frequency. If you look at the number of cell towers in and around
Sebastopol, it is already too much … particularly for young
children. This proposed increase should not pass, as it is not in
the best interest of public health.
Kristina Boudreaux
Adelman admirer
Editor: I have been an long-time admirer of the work of Brenda
Adelman and the other environmentalists working in The Russian
River Watershed Protection Committee. Every time I go by the river
I give thanks to Brenda and people like her who spend many hours –
at little or no pay – to work tirelessly to help protect our river.
So it was with great surprise, as well as some disgust, that I read
Frank Robertson’s snarky attack on Brenda and the work of the RRWPC
(“Brenda and the surfers,” Sept. 22). Good heavens. I’ll bet he
thought it was clever and funny.
If your readers want to actually get a picture of the full
potential impact – including, Mr. Robertson, on Chinook Salmon and
other aquatic plants and animals (what is a seal-hugger?) – and
learn about the thoughtful, complex and long-term reasoning that
went behind this lawsuit, then they can do what I did after reading
this, and go to www.rrwpc.org to understand why a highly respected
environmental front-line worker like Brenda Adelman, and her group,
would engage in such a suit.
If Frank Robertson wants to understand and get a picture of what
Brenda is doing, perhaps he should do what he wrote about in the
article – talk to her about that?
Granted, it would be less fun than slamming a local devoted
community activist, but maybe he would learn something, and
actually convey the real and complicated situation to his
But maybe he assumes his readers are all on the cheap sleeze level
of his article?
Ruah Bull
SCWA not underdog
Editor: I was glad to see several letters last week challenging the
commentary by Frank Robertson on Brenda Adelman (“Brenda and the
surfers,” Sept. 22). As any activist will tell you, it has taken
many different approaches over many years to safeguard the Russian
River. And the job is far from done.
The Sonoma County Water Agency gains income by selling Russian
River water to entities such as Marin County and their motives in
proposing less water be left in the River are worth examining
closely, to say the least. Contrary to what Frank comically
suggests, few of us think of SCWA as the underdog in this or any
other dispute.
I also thought it highly questionable that Frank wrote the Page 1
straight news story on the lawsuit in the same issue (“Lawsuit
filed to block estuary management,” Sept. 22).
Charles E. Wagner
Half mast
Editor: O my flag flies at half-mast every day,
For the soldier that will die today,
For the child, for the mother, that will cry today,
O is it true? Blood for Oil?
O why do we toil?
Blood not just for Oil, but for Outrage and Obligation
For the Oppressed and the Outcast.
Greater love has no One than this, that One lay down his life for
his friends. Do we die just to take the spoil?
There will be wars and rumors of wars … which side are you On? Is
it a just war or is it just war?
Women in Sebastopol wear black. Women in Sebastopol hold the flag
high. I wear black and hold the flag at half-mast. I mourn for the
loss of life and for the loss of love for America.
O my flag flies at half mast every day.
For those who don’t understand they cry
“Death to America” each time an unborn child is slaughtered,
“Death to her dreams, her values, her Origin” is heard each time we
hold up our Own standard
instead of a sacred One
O my flag flies at half-mast every day
For her loss of virtue, her character, her valour
O my flag flies at half-mast every day.
Rosemary Forsythe