2013 Community Awards: What a rush!
Editor: The Sebastopol Area Chamber of Commerce, proud sponsors of the annual Community Awards, wants to thank everyone who attended this year’s 38th annual Community Awards. Bravo to our sponsors: Baskin-Robbins, Dan Davis, Rocky and Kim Camp, Leff Construction, Linda Galletta, Whole Foods, Frank and Kathleen Mayhew, Sue’s Circuit, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sonoma West Times and News, Pauline Pellini and Mr. Music. Bravo to the many donations of food, wine and auction items (too numerous for this space). Bravo to the volunteers, the presenters and the award recipients themselves. Thank you to the Sebastopol Center for the Arts for the wonderful venue, which was the original home of the first Community Awards. The night went a little longer than usual, but then you can’t rush these special moments for recognizing a handful of citizens each year.
To the recipients again, we congratulate your and thank you for what you have given back to the community. We are always humbled by your modesty, your ability to share your success with some many others, which is why this evening is truly a wonderful evening in Sebastopol. We shared tears, laughter, sweet stories and memories. What a rush (even if it went a little long). And Bravo to the 350-plus Chamber members who support our organization throughout the year and help make this and many other activities possible. Thank you.
The Sebastopol Area Chamber of Commerce Board:
Gio Balistreri, Linda Collins, Christine Nelson, Lu Frazier, Doug McCorkle, Ian Kalember, Martha Lindt, Rich Levin, Sue Ungewitter, Nate Sutter, Bill Judsen and Executive Director Teresa Ramondo
Sebastopol’s Community
Editor: Kudos to our Sebastopol Chamber for organizing and hosting another Community Awards Event last week — a lovely reminder of our down home roots and lasting heritage for giving back selflessly. It is staggering to understand the overwhelming number of people that provide time away from family, initiative, talent, expertise and more to keep us with vitality and needed resources. A humbling evening for those of us in the audience to join in recognition of these champions. Noticeable absentees were most of Sebastopol’s City Council members … maybe they’ll find it in their hearts to attend next year.
Cory Maguire

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