Alternative uses
Editor: My response to Frank Robertson, who thinks it’s a dandy idea for Palm Drive Hospital to be a shelter for the homeless (“The white elephant in the room,” July 17) since, according to him, we send our homeless to the River, is this: How many units of affordable housing does Guerneville have? Property adjacent to Palm Drive Hospital was sold to our town 10 years ago and several units of multi-age affordable housing apartments were built. In addition we have two co-op (sweat equity) affordable housing units, one near Ragle Park and one across from Fircrest Market. We also have Burbank affordable housing for seniors on Bodega Avenue. I’m proud of the way Sebastopol cares for struggling families.
With that said, I agree with the frustration of River Rats regarding the hospital closure. I deeply resent paying $155/year for years of hospital mismanagement. I’m angry that my taxes have gone to pay CEO’s inflated salaries when they left after only a few months. I mean, 10 CEOs in five years? Seriously? And all the time the physical plant was deteriorating.
Here are some of my suggestions for the hospital: Get rid of the ER and consider an urgent care center, staffed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Or how about opening an eating disorders residential center? Or a state-of-the-art physical therapy center for wounded veterans who can’t get care at the VA? Or how about affordable senior apartments with extended care services offered in another wing of the building, an Alzheimer’s unit or a skilled nursing home? Affordable housing for seniors is a real need, our aging population is growing and seniors are moving out because they can’t afford to live here. And how nice it would be to have all needed services available under one roof.
These are some suggestions; I’m sure the hospital district is getting lots of good ideas. My hope is that they act on them. Soon.
Connie Kellogg

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