Bullies in town hall
EDITOR: I just finished reading my Thursday copy of the Sonoma West Times and News. I was moved by a number of articles and editorials today that I’d like to comment on. To save everyone grief and not send in 3 or 4 letters, I am going to combine them here.
Rollie, thank you for the wonderful editorial on the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. I think you said what a lot of us have felt for years and I appreciate your wisdom; it should never have been about the soldiers; it was about the war. No one should have or still blame the men who fought valiantly and many of whom lost their lives yet, we still do ask why? I suspect we will always ask that question.
Frank, nice piece on the Hospital. I, like you, am still not sure what to call it.  I am one that has been skeptical and has said, now what? When, if, how? But you are right, Frank, we will just have to wait and see. I would love it to succeed; I am just a bit concerned about how it really can deliver on its promises especially with all the debt we are faced with! I hope it can, but more waiting.
So now on to the entertaining yet-not-so-enjoyable reading from this last edition. The article on Senator Mike McGuires Town Hall struck a chord with me and a negative chord for sure. First, let me be one of the first (and many I hope) to apologize to Mike for the behavior of a very vocal minority that seems to always be in the news and always using their bully pulpit to try to drive their agenda. Please understand Senator McGuire, that these people DO NOT speak for the majority of West County and that they actually embarrass us to the nth degree whenever they open their mouths. It was gracious of you to have the Town Hall meeting and even a bit gutsy of you to stand up to them; HURRAY for that! Bullies need to be stood up to.
You had a plan and you stuck to that and you did not let the bullies change your plan, or  who you are. I commend you for that. They may have some valid concerns; it just is how they go about bullying everyone in their path to drive their agenda. That is what really upsets me. Somehow Shepherd Bliss and Magick seem to think they represent those of us in west Sonoma County and are constantly in the news berating someone about something West County relateted. I guarantee you I am not the only native Sebastopolian that feels this way; many are tired of speaking out and others are just too damn tired of local politics gone awry! Shepherd and Magick, stop acting like you speak for me, you DO NOT!
As a side note, I have posted this part of my letter on Senator McGuire’s facebook page so he can read it firsthand.
Jeanne Fernandes
EDITOR: I missed our Engineering Director Sue Kelly’s retirement party while I was out of town, but had I been there, I would have said the following:  Thanks for being there when I needed you as a city councilmember and planning commissioner (I couldn’t have done it without you). Thanks for always doing your homework. Thanks for keeping our water clean. Thanks for being a friend and confidant. Thanks for laughing at my jokes.  Thanks for the years of suffering through the uneducated and unscientific self-appointed experts who never understood what it took to be a great public servant.  Thanks for making Sebastopol a better place to live.  I wish you only the best.  You deserve it.
Howard Levy

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