War is not the answer
Editor: I just watched the State of the Union address and am concerned that President Obama is seeking new legislation that would authorize his expanding the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. I welcome the reports that Congress is going to reassert its Constitutional authority to decide when and where the U.S. declares and goes to war. For the last 13 years, two presidents have waged war virtually anywhere, anytime and against anyone under a sweeping Authorization for the Use of Military Force passed just days after 9/11. Its mere 60 words have allowed the war in Afghanistan, military action in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and the Philippines, countless drone strikes and indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay.
My own view is that war is not the answer. Our country invaded and occupied Iraq for seven years and now huge parts of that country are controlled by the Islamic State. Our war in Iraq failed and yet our leaders are proposing yet another new war.
I urge that our Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein and our Representative Jared Huffman make sure that Congress votes to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force and reestablish its own authority under the Constitution to determine and oversee each and every act of war.
On the bright side, I am in deep agreement with the focus on diplomacy with Iran. This is really the only real way toward lasting peace.
Lisa VanderBoom

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