Request for meeting
EDITOR: I strongly oppose the plan to expand the existing Guerneville Main Lift Station, at Highway 116 and Riverside Drive for the purpose of processing raw sewage from Occidental. Increasing the size and operation of the existing lift station has the potential to negatively impact neighborhood property values and quality of life in an existing quiet residential setting. The Sonoma County Water Agency had an open house where staff and consultants were available to answer questions from residents of Occidental on June 20, 2013, at Harmony School in Occidental; and as a result, Occidental residents were able to influence the decision to move it far, far away from their backyards. And, it’s their raw sewage. The residents of Guernewood Park are deserving of the same type of meeting. I request SCWA to hold such a meeting.
Frank Gran
Guernewood Park
Miss my ‘real’ newspaper
EDITOR: Sorry, but I like to have a real newspaper to read with my coffee. I do not like the online format. When the time comes to renew our longtime subscription, we won’t.
Lynn Fitzwater