City Council’s problem
EDITOR: Almost a year ago the Sebastopol City Council gave approval for a new Round Table Pizza to be built in the SouthPoint MarketPlace on South Gravenstien Highway. There were many objections raised. One concern was that the parking area would become overwhelmed; the Council was assured that there would be ample parking with spaces in the rear of the complex. Despite the closure of McDonald’s; ample parking can only be found late at night or on Sundays. During regular business hours, the sounds of angry honking and yelling has become common place. City engineers also voiced their exception to the project; stating that the current sewage pipe configuration could not handle the extra volume. They were correct. Even though there is not a new tenant in the old McDonald’s, sewage has backed up into every business for the past week. The parade of plumbing trucks has been impressive. If and when McDonald’s is re-leased, what will the City Council do to alleviate the problem that they created?
Denise Whitehead
Plenty of parking
EDITOR: Decades ago it took me three years of letter writing and the passing of a petition to get the City and Cal-Trans to repaint the parking stripes and to include the extender stripe. They need to be repainted again.
Next. Starting with the new CVS parking lot… a new consideration needs to be given to the size of spaces. In addition to the handicapped spaces and the compact and regular spaces, there needs to be a new allocation for super-sized, extra-wide and extra-long vehicles. And put those spaces the farthest away as those drivers are the most able to walk a few extra yards.
And last. Tit-for-tat. The library needs more space. Move it to the CVS spot. Rent any or all of it. There is plenty of parking and it’s ADA ready. Frees up the present library space for any number of civic needs. Done for pennies on the dollar compared to the millions and years spent on building a new edifice.
Neil Davis