Make it right
EDITOR: Supervisors Rabbitt and Gore are there to fill the trough for the 1 percent. Supervisor Gorin, for the most part, is there for the 99 percent. Supervisor Zane is a wildcard who leans to the 1 percent but usually votes with her heart when it matters. We stand at 2 to 2.
Bye-Bye Efren – hello Lynda. If Supervisor Hopkins is beholden to the big money that bought her seat, then all is lost. During her campaign Lynda promised us she could take their money and run. Now she needs to tell a number of her backers to crawl back under their respective rocks. The new women’s majority on the board can kick the good ol’ boys to the curb. The greediest of men have been raping the 99 percent for way too long.
The biggest pig of all will soon become the President. Women, it’s time to roar. The people will be listening. You can make Sonoma County an island of compassionate government in a nation gone mad Ask not what the people can do for you, ask what you can do for the people. Congratulations ladies.
Thomas Morabito

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