Loving, more and more
EDITOR: I am writing to say you are  so wonderful to greet and embrace us so fully in our love celebration. I was so blown away and delighted to see our love group on your front page two weeks ago. Hurray!
Many people told me they saw us there on the corner in Sebastopol. Imagine telling 300 to 500 people that you love them in two to three hours while they drive by. Most people say this one to five times a week, unless they have a partner or pet.
We stand and greet every car with our declaration of loving them and as they respond, we shine back their joy. We have so much fun while we do it. We focus on one car at a time and as soon as we focus, they notice and respond, we share our return joy and our celebration is ecstatic.
More love — this is the answer and the solution, no matter what the pain, darkness, problem or challenge.
Myself, and others, thank you so very much for sharing our energy with so many of our neighbors and new loves. The overall response continues to be amazing.
We will continue at the crossroads of our village every Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. at the corner of Bodega and Main at least until the end of year. Please join us in actively loving every car we greet, every person we meet in a declaration of loving them, ourselves and our neighbors in simply celebrating more love.
Caverly Whittemore

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