Forced choices
EDITOR: There are moments when I feel overwhelmed with disbelief about how much I have to react, resist and reject. Will my humanness be challenged now on a daily basis? Notably, it is our continued concerns regarding corporate abuse and the power they claim over personal dignity. Part of my personal is very much about health and our well-being.
We are now again, as a community here in West Sonoma County, being challenged by Pacific Gas and Electric to submit to the strong smart meter will and the choices forced upon us to make.
I am an analog meter person who wishes to opt out. I do not want the smart meters put on our 16 buildings at Burbank Heights and Orchards, 62-plus residential community.
In many ways, I am not expert enough to track down all the details that are part of the safety issue. The meters are electromagnetic radiation emitters. Can you imagine almost 200 of them in our restricted close knit acreage site? Can you imagine allowing PG&E to charge us $75 for the privilege of keeping our analog meter and then charge us $5 to $10 extra per month for three years? Is Sebastopol once again going to say no? I hope so.
I encourage all who know very little about the issue and are willing to let this happen without one word of resistance and concern for the health dangers it would impose on young children, the elderly and those who are incredibly sensitive to radiation and the sickness it can cause … I encourage all of you to ask questions, be involved and know the facts. Be the light in this darkness of fear and be concerned for each other.
Nina Tepedino
Are we afraid?
EDITOR: Ever see the 1961 pool-hall classic, The Hustler, with Paul Newman as Fast Eddie Felton and Jackie Gleason as Minnesota Fats? After first losing, Fast Eddie comes back to run the table, winning the day against Fats and his entourage.
Haven’t we witnessed a slick game of dirty pool run by FBI Director James Comey? Comey stole away Wisconsin’s, Pennsylvania’s and Michigan’s electoral votes by his nuking of Hillary Clinton’s campaign on October 28, 2016, a week before the national election, with his deceitful allegations. Supposedly there was a cache of emails between Hillary and her aide Huma Abedin, when actually there was nothing to complain about. Comey admitted this a couple of days before the election. Too late to change the public mind.
The FBI is supposed to hunt down organized crime rings and help thwart terrorists, not fix our national presidential races. How about a nonpartisan investigation of Comey and his henchmen? What are we afraid of?
Frank Baumgardner
Santa Rosa