Make a statement
EDITOR: Are you as appalled as I am at the forcible removal of children from their parents at the U.S. / Mexico border? This egregious form of state sponsored child abuse tears at the very heart and soul of our nation.
Here is one more thing we all can do in addition to calling our members of congress and petitioning: send shoes and clothing to Jeff Sessions for these children being held in kiddie concentration camps. The Border Patrol and ICE just do not have enough infant-sized orange jump suits for the more than 12,000 children being held behind bars.
Look through your closets for clothing and shoes that your children or grandchildren have outgrown. Make a visit to thrift stores or yard sales and make up a care package. Send it to the children in care of Jeff Sessions. What if he were to receive a million packages? Or 10 million?
Refugee Children
c/o U.S Attorney General Jeff Sessions
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Larry Robinson
Verizon withdraws
EDITOR: A word of thanks and congratulations should be expressed to Sebastopol’s city manager and his staff’s adroit handling of Verizon’s application to install two 4G cellphone towers in residential areas. Other cities, such as Santa Rosa and Petaluma, have grappled with mixed results in exerting local control regarding placement of new 4G cell phone towers. Sebastopol’s success is an inspiration to other local jurisdictions dealing with this issue.
Paul-Andre Schabracq

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