Need business resources
EDITOR: During this time of national emergency, the federal government offers many programs to help small businesses. The Paycheck Protection Program provides forgivable loans to cover payroll expenses for businesses that retain and rehire employees. The SBA offers $10,000 in emergency grants through the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance.
The paper runs stories on struggling businesses. When you these run stories, please list resources businesses can use. Please share stories on businesses that are using these programs. I would enjoy reading reports on how people are using the CARES package during the pandemic’s economic storm. How are 1099 and gig workers doing? What resources do they have? Our tax-dollars are going back to Main Street instead of Wall Street. How effective are these programs at keeping our local, family owned businesses alive during this time of national crisis? How is our social safety net performing? If it is helping, we can thank each other for paying our taxes and supporting our community’s economic survival. The pandemic is certainly revealing the fissures in our healthcare system; hopefully it will give us more insight into our economic system and the importance of a strong, social safety net.
Thank you for creating and distributing our community news!
Kate Haug
Congrats on going nonprofit
EDITOR: Bravo to the publishers of the Sonoma West and affiliated newspapers for becoming a non-profit organization. Your local newspapers provide much needed and important community services. Thank you for taking this step so you can continue to serve our communities.
Hollynn D’Lil
EDITOR: The sad truth about our president is that he has no soul. He labels this pandemic as the China virus and the result is Asians are being threatened and worse. He predicted that the original 15 cases would soon be zero. He insults governors and reporters. He stated that the we have administered one million tests. So that means that there are 330 million people in our country who have not yet been tested. Just look at Gov. Cuomo to see how a leader leads. I could go on. It just means that this November everyone should vote.
Gary Harris