Democracy is dying
We keep hearing how Russia is trying to disrupt our elections and our democracy, but the real threat is from within. Russia can just sit back and wait while the GOP and Trump do everything they can to undermine the democratic process of electing our leaders. Since the 2016 campaign, Trump has been complaining about the fraud in our election process and now is trying to overturn the election and the will of the people by telling outright lies about the alleged fraud that is supposedly running rampant in our democratic process to elect our leaders. It reminds of of spoiled brat who isn’t getting his way and throws a temper tantrum to get his way.
If he had just paid attention to the advise of the medical community back in March and taken action to protect our people he might have been reelected on his own merits, but instead he spent most of his time on Twitter bullying anyone who he perceived of disagreeing with him and sending out lies to try to make himself look good. Thankfully the majority of voters saw through his facade and voted him out of office. Except now he is trying to overthrow the will of the people like a third world dictator who throws his opponents in jail, and changes the vote count to please himself.
What he is doing to this election is patently criminal, he is not supporting the constitution, but he is doing every thing in his power to subvert it.  Look how he has tried to pressure state governments to change the vote, by changing the vote count or sending electors to the Electoral College. I would hope that President Biden’s administration would pursue criminal charges for his actions. In addition, Trump has pleaded with his followers to go to Washington and demonstrate against the will of the people. This has ended up in violent riots at the door of the Congress that is more like an overthrow of the government than an expression of their opinions.
This horror show must stop.  President-elect Biden should immediately call for a Constitutional Convention to change the archaic electoral college process, which has no place in the modern society of today. I hope that Trump continues his temper tantrum and has to be physically removed from the White House. With that maybe our Democracy will be saved and we will not become the laughing stock of the rest of the world.
Frank Mayhew

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