Editor: Alright, let¹s take a look at the view from here. In the
first place, take a good look at the people who advocate amnesty
for illegal immigrants, draft dodgers and others of their ilk. Why?
Illegal is illegal, no matter how you look at it, and is not to be
overlooked and excused for any valid reason.
There is no doubt in my mind that racism exists, always has, and
always will, no matter how many silly laws are enacted against it.
No law can change human nature one iota, regardless of how hard we
may try.
Even at my advanced age, I can¹t recall ever having anything to
do with slavery, although the charge has been thrown in my face
countless times. My father¹s ancestors came to Virginia from
Scotland between 1630 and 1640, and may have been involved with
salves, but that was a bit before my time. Those same ancestors
also spoke English for the better part of 400 years, as I have for
more than 85 years. It irks me to no end to enter a local business
and not be able to understand them, or they me. I also can¹t
understand why my grandchildren must learn a foreign language to
get along in their own country. If I were to move to another
country, I wouldn¹t expect the entire populace to learn English
just to humor me.
It¹s a fact that the United States (except for the American
Indian, and that¹s open for discussion) is a nation of immigrants,
who made their own country the greatest nation in human history,
and we don¹t need people who let corruption ruin their nations come
here and ruin ours the same way.
It may be true to a certain extent that Latino immigrants have
been a boon to our economy, but it¹s also true that illegal
immigrants have been a serious drain on it.
Vern Henderson, Santa Rosa

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