EDITOR: Proposition 88, “The Classroom Learning and
Accountability Act,” will appear on the state ballot in November.
Proposition 88 would create a statewide parcel tax. The WSCUHSD
Board of Trustees and district administration have determined that
Proposition 88 would not have an overall positive impact on West
Sonoma County schools. Proposition 88 would assess a $50 parcel tax
on each of the 24,000 parcels in West Sonoma County, then ship the
vast majority of these funds to large cities across the state.
Proposition 88 would create a new tax to support schools outside
of the West County area. Local parcel tax measures have far greater
benefit to West County schools, as all funds generated by local
parcel taxes stay within the community to support local schools in
specific ways directly approved by the local voters. The voters of
West Sonoma County have proven their willingness to directly
support local school districts through local parcel tax
We recognize and appreciate the strong degree of community
support for West Sonoma County public schools. However, Proposition
88 would not have an overall positive impact on local schools and
school districts in western Sonoma County.
– Jan Belding, President, Tom Glover, David Stecher, Diane
Landry and Jeanne Fernandes, board members; and Keller McDonald,