Asti Road park project coming to an end
It is with regret that the community of Cloverdale be informed that after a long process in an attempt to create a multi-use park known as the Asti Road Project which hopefully would included a Dog Park, Little League Field, and Skate Park, a decision has been made to withdraw from the Asti Road Project. On September 12, Little League informed the Asti Road Park Project that they have decided to not move forward with the park project. It is Little League’s position that the City of Cloverdale is “spinning the project in circles.”
The Skate Park and Dog Park met and decided that after nearly two years of wearying meetings and no MOU (Memorandum of Understanding outlining the regulations of the acceptance of the City land and a guarantee that we had the property), from the City and owing Firma Design Group money for professional services and landscape design, that it wasn’t a good business decision to continue. As the community has noticed, there had been very little to no progression this calendar year.
The Asti Road Park Project wants to take this opportunity to thank Mike Cook and Marty Goldsbrough of Firma Design Group for all they accomplished to support this project. We appreciate the hours of dedication to this non-profit project.  
We also want to thank those who in the Community that have supported the Asti Road Project over the years. The funds you have donated were used towards operating expenses, professional support, and design fees. All remaining funds will be used to cover the outstanding monies owed on invoices for these professional services performed by Firma Design Group and billed to the Asti Road Project.
To dedicated individuals, Ipolani and Shawn Bovee, who are associated with the skate park portion of the project, they hope to have an opportunity to make their vision a reality in the near future, we thank you.  
The committee representing the dog park portion of the Asti Road Project will regrettably no longer actively be working towards finding a site for a dog park in the community of Cloverdale. After seven years with the up and downs of this project it has left us with no desire to continue.
Kassie Wall, Cloverdale
Thank you Patty Mannatt
Wow! Thank you Patty Mannatt for the beautiful makeover you performed on one of our Wallace House client’s apartment. What a talent for decorating and remodeling.    
Thank you also to her amazing husband Tom for his construction abilities. Stripping the old floor and installing new linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom. This couple is a wonderful example of what can be accomplished in a community when the spirit of giving is a family affair. Our client’s apartment was transformed from just okay, to something you might see on one of those DIY before and after shows. Our client is thrilled with the results and so proud of his new surroundings.  
Patty has also been a valuable member of our Advisory Board for many years, and this is just one example of the many ways she continues to contribute to our agency.
So, on behalf of the Wallace House staff, our board and our clients, thank you from the bottom of our very grateful hearts.
Colleen Halbohm,
Executive Director
Wallace House
Benefits of new crosswalk markings
As the days grow darker with winter approaching, I want to take the time to thank the city council, in particular councilmember Russell, and city staff for installing the white, reflective paint on the crosswalks downtown. We all will benefit from this, both as pedestrians and as drivers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve felt vulnerable walking in an official downtown “Cloverdale-crosswalk,” with the textured asphalt and no other markings. The uniform pavement color made it difficult for the drivers speeding along to even notice that there are crosswalks. Thankfully now Cloverdale has standard crosswalk markings, like those in much of the rest of the state. Drivers, local and visitor alike, should have no excuses and hopefully will now slow for potential pedestrians when they approach. As a driver, I really appreciate the visible warning. As a pedestrian I feel recognized by the city. Thank you for that.
Joanne Parker, Cloverdale

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