Christmas in June
Can you believe it is that time again? Christmas is almost here! Yes, Christmas in June benefitting the Cloverdale Food Pantry is around the corner. Plan now to help us with this endeavor. The Cloverdale community, the Lions, Good Shepherd Church, other organizations as well as so many of our great citizens stepped up last year to make this event a success. Let’s make this year even better.
During summer months the Cloverdale Food Pantry supplies are dramatically depleted. To cover the shortage, the Pantry has to purchase most of the food except the fruits and vegetables given by gardeners who donate their excess. The food purchased is between $300-500 a month but during the summer monthly costs jump to $500-800 and sometimes more. This puts a dent in the Pantry’s meager bank account.
The Christmas in June event will be held at the Veterans Memorial Hall at 205 W. First Street on Wednesday, June 25 from 5 to 7 p.m. Refreshments and appetizers will be served. There will be community activities to help the Food Pantry at this event.
You are asking how you can help. There are many ways with some listed below.
1. Bring 20 lb. bags of rice, beans and other food supplies to be listed in flyers put up around town
2. Donation of appetizers for the event
3. Donation of refreshments for the event such as lemonade, bottles of water or wine
4. Financial donations to help defray the Pantry’s expenses
5. Yummy homemade cookies for the cookie exchange
6. Come and support the event
Please contact the Food Pantry at 707-396-8383 with questions and how you and your organization can help.
M J Dellaquila and Jean Herschede,
Co-Chairs of Christmas in June
Supporting Sundstrom
I support David Sundstrom for Sonoma County Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector. He has the education, background, qualifications and leadership experience that we need for this position.
Sundstrom’s achievements in both Orange County and Sonoma County are many. I am confident that he will continue to represent our residents very well in the years ahead. He has a proven track record of delivering results and that is why I support his re-election.
Please join me in voting for David Sundstrom for Sonoma County Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector on June 3, 2014. Thank you!
Joe Palla, Cloverdale City Councilmember
Thank you from the yearbook staff
We would like to give a big thank you to the people in the community for being so great and donating money for extra yearbooks, to be given to those who could not afford them. With all the money that was donated we were capable of ordering 20 extra yearbooks for those who did not buy one. We really appreciate the friendly donations and we would like for our fellow donators to know how thankful we are for their generosity. This is a gift that the students will sure appreciate and hold on to for a very long time.
Laura Alvarado, and the
Cloverdale High School Yearbook staff
Casino consequences
Once again, the unholy trinity of a few Indians, a handful of well lobbied politicians and powerful politically connected gambling interests are attempting to bully a small country town.
If a tribal trust is granted, 65 acres of land adjacent to Cloverdale, will become an independent entity, exempt from local regulations, and will pay no sales or property tax. What Cloverdale will receive from the jumbo project is an increased carbon footprint due to increased traffic, increased crime problems, increase in poverty level employment, loss of control of land use regulation and loss of control of water use regulations.
Janet and Stan Halverson, Cloverdale
Take a look at Sonoma Clean Power
I was present at the May 14 Cloverdale City Council meeting and heard a presentation by the CEO of Sonoma Clean Power (SCP). The presentation was very straight forward. SCP buys and builds energy supplies. PG&E delivers energy, repairs lines and serves customers. We benefit from cleaner energy and local control. I support the City joining SCP.
We can choose our power through SCP supporting a larger percentage of power produced from renewable sources as well as a savings of 5 percent on our bills, or we can continue with PG&E. Either way, there will be no change to the delivery of service.
Take a look at their website It has answers to FAQ as well as a contact number to speak with someone, if you have questions that aren’t listed. Our Council members are eager to hear from you as they consider whether to move forward on this issue. Postponing this decision will mean a sizeable cost to the City should we decide to join in the future. You can email members of the Council by going to the City’s website and then choose city council. Please don’t delay. This is good for our wallet and our environment!
Virginia Greenwald,

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