Rocking and caring
Editor: Cloverdale rocks and Cloverdale cares. This town is amazing. What started out two years ago as a little idea to help raise much needed food items for the summer morphed into a full blown community event. The Cloverdale Food Pantry took in over 1,400 pounds of rice and beans, bins and bins of canned items, especially much needed tuna and well over $5,800 to help purchase additional produce and ongoing operations with donations still coming in. While it is impossible to thank everyone here, the pantry and its patrons thank you immensely. We even received donations from those who used to live in the area. A special shout out goes to Gene Marcinkowski and the American Legion for the use of the Veterans Hall and the wonderful people of Cloverdale who came out to bag, sort and party. Please do not forget the Cloverdale Food Pantry. As your gardens produce extra fruit or vegetables, drop them off on Fridays at the Food Pantry. The address is 202 Commercial Street. Volunteers are generally there starting late morning.  Non-perishable items can be dropped off at the Clover Springs Lodge or call 396-8383 to arrange a time for larger donations.  Financial donations can be sent to Cloverdale Food Pantry, P.O. Box 1038, Cloverdale, CA 95425.
MJ Dellaquila and Jean Herschede
Co-chairs Christmas in June
The Legion and service
Editor: In the past week, the American Legion was honored in being invited to participate in two community activities. The first was on July 1 at Washington School with classes and teachers. Legionnaire Daniel Solis spoke to an attentive group of students, answering many questions during a 30-minute period regarding his days in Vietnam. Many of our Cloverdale residents and visitors saw the three-man flag honor guard that was provided to the annual Lions Club fireworks display on July 4. The current commander, Dick Navone, carried the Sons of the American Legionnaire flag. Woodley Frampton carried the American Legion flag and the American flag was presented by Daniel Solis to start the evening gala display. The Cloverdale Post 293 of the American Legion invites any school or organization that would like a one, two or three-man color guard to start a celebration or for speakers about military activities as witnessed by the speakers, the American flag’s history, or just a question and answer period, call Daniel Solis at 894-8952. The only request the American Legion has is sufficient notice before the event to get the required Legionnaire assigned for your event.
Don Reed, Cloverdale
Pothole remedy
Editor: One of the most common complaints your readers have is the potholed state of our roads and what to do about them. Unfortunately, their state is a part of our culture of “Planned Obsolescence,” whereby engineers, contractors and union workers get paid to patch and rebuild poorly designed roads time after time. I have driven all over France, and almost never did I see a pothole – not even a patched one. When I asked a French engineer why this is so, he replied that if potholes do occur then the contractor has to repair them at his own cost. So, no potholes. We just have to bring over French engineers, contractors and workers to redo our system of roads and highways.
E.H. Boudreau, Registered Geologist, Sebastopol

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