Strength and unity
EDITOR: My heart is heavy as I observe the devastating toll the firestorm has taken. Amid the ashes of unthinkable loss and destruction, what shines through is the strength and unity at work in our community.
Last week, nearly every school district in the county was closed. As some school sites begin opening their doors again this week, student safety and health will continue to be top priority. Staff are working around the clock to monitor conditions so that school at the remaining closed sites can resume as soon as it is safe to do so. More than anybody, educators and school staff understand the importance of restoring a sense of normalcy and routine to students.
On behalf of the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE), I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the men and women working tirelessly to get schools back up and running, many of whom have lost their own homes in this tragedy.
Thank you to custodial staff for providing our students with a clean school environment to return to by replacing air filters, cleaning desks, and power washing school grounds. Thank you to office staff for your diligent record keeping and communication with parents during these hard times. Thank you to teachers and counselors for adjusting your life schedules to provide guidance, comfort, and stability to our children. Thank you to school and district administration for your dedicated leadership and coordination behind the scenes.
You all play an essential role in ensuring the success of Sonoma County students, and you couldn’t be more valuable in these challenging times.
Steven Herrington
Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools

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