Trump replacements
EDITOR: It seems pretty clear that the Trump presidency is going down the tubes and it’s just a matter of time before enough Americans wise up and throw the bum out. And as the Dems don’t have another Obama to come racing in on a white (or black, chestnut or pinto) charger, we’d better get busy finding an independent who is both presidential and electable to slide into the void.
My own first choice would be Bernie Sanders. If he doesn’t want to do it, let’s ask his advice for a candidate among his independent acquaintances and start talking him or her up. Let’s not wait around  until we’re suddenly scrabbling for anybody at all to be POTUS. (Do we have a precedent for a president to serve a third term if there has been a hiatus? Seems to me Grover Cleveland did something like that …)
Ginny Carroll, Cloverdale
Need a more civilized event
EDITOR: Each summer the semi-enlightened citizens of Duncans Mills host Civil War Days,
“one of the largest reenactments west of the Mississippi.” I understand the need to attract people to spend money in a small town, but how dead people from this village played a significant role in that hate-filled war isn’t explained on their website. Hence, it seems this event is more about grown white men celebrating war and trying to make money off other white men that enjoy belligerence.
They even have tax exempt 501(c)(3) status, ouch. But why the Civil War and not the war of 1812 or the Spanish American War? They all used artillery and horses. Considering the ugly racist events spiraling through our country, a more civilized (pun intended) way to get tourists to pay for the toys of these men should be developed.
Tony Bryhan, Sebastopol

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