Release the returns
EDITOR: It was good to be with a group of approximately 35 Cloverdalians on Saturday, April 15 tax day, urging the president to release his tax returns. We were one of hundreds of groups around the country focusing on the same issue. We find it questionable that we are unable to access this important information. Not knowing begs the question, is he working for the citizens of this country or is he using his position to feather his own nest? Are there conflicts of interests?
California State Senators Scott Wiener and Mike McGuire have introduced legislation (SB 149), which would require that any future presidential or vice-presidential candidate must make their tax returns public to appear on the California ballot. Thank you, Mike, for stepping up and protecting our right to this important information.
Virginia Greenwald
Support sculpture
EDITOR: The Cloverdale Sculpture Trail Committee is pleased to announce that in Cloverdale there will be nine new sculptures. Each sculpture is unique, from whimsy to ones telling a story. Every piece exhibits the transmutation of material and the imagination of the sculptor.
To keep the Sculpture Trail in Cloverdale alive, we are seeking financial support to cover general operating expenses and to add portable concrete pads to handle heavy sculptures for Cloverdale. We are also looking for two more sculpture sponsors, with the sponsorship fee going directly to the sculptor. The Cloverdale Trail is funded through donations and is planned and coordinated by volunteers. A donation of any size will be greatly appreciated. Your donation is completely tax deductible as the Cloverdale Historical Society, the producer of the Cloverdale section of the Sculpture Trail, is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Donations can be made online at, or mailed to the Cloverdale Historical Society c/o Joyce Mann, P.O. Box 443, Cloverdale, CA 95425. On the memo line of the check add Sculpture Trail. If you are interest in more details of sponsorship contact me at [email protected] or call 894-4929.
Joyce P. Mann
Sculpture Trail Coordinator
Indivisible Cloverdale
EDITOR: Since the presidential election many concerned Americans have been sad, angry, outraged and frightened. Every day we are bombarded by governmental actions that cause us more fear and outrage. As Timothy Snyder writes in his book, “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century,” “History does not repeat, but it does instruct. As the Founding Fathers debated our Constitution, they took instruction from the history they knew. Concerned that the democratic republic they envisioned would collapse, they contemplated the descent of ancient democracies and republics into oligarchy and empire. As they knew, Aristotle warned that inequality brought instability and Plato believed that demagogues exploited free speech to install themselves as tyrants. In founding a democratic republic upon law and establishing a system of checks and balances, the Founding Fathers sought to avoid the evil that they, like the ancient philosophers, called tyranny.”
Unfortunately, evidence points out that our fragile democracy seems to be devolving into tyranny. There exists vast inequality and our basic Constitutional rights are threatened. We do not have the luxury to wait and see what happens. Please join our efforts in reversing this rapid trajectory by participating in Indivisible Cloverdale. The first meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 7 at 3 p.m. in the community room of the United Church of Cloverdale. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” — Margaret Mead. For more information please contact Vicky Groom, [email protected].
Vicky Groom
True courage
EDITOR: On behalf of all the parents and volunteers who participated in last Saturday’s season opener for The Wonder League, a special needs children’s event, I would like to personally thank the Healdsburg High School baseball team, and the events organizer, Mr. George Lawson. The kindness and love shown by these individuals made the day a roaring success, and the smiles on everyone’s face spoke a thousand words. A collaboration of the Rotary Club of Healdsburg Sunrise and Rotary Cares, the Rotarians and their parent volunteers made sure every child felt like a superstar, and the high school students were fantastic in their efforts to assure each child felt successful. We have seven more games scheduled for the next seven Saturdays, starting at 10:30 and playing at Foss Creek Community Center on Healdsburg Avenue in Healdsburg. I invite each and every one of you to come out and support this worthwhile endeavor. You will get to witness what true courage really is.
Robert Redner
Cloverdale Rotary Club

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