An open letter to the folks who vandalized the Pride flags in Cloverdale and Windsor
Editor’s note: This letter refers to both the Pride flag put up in the Windsor Town Green on June 18 and one of the flags lining North Cloverdale Boulevard that was put up on June 20. The Windsor flag was torn down either the evening of June 18, or the morning of June 19. One of the Cloverdale flags was cut from its pole and stolen.
EDITOR: LGBTQI folks have lived in our towns in the past and we live our towns now and we will live our towns in the future.
We live in every nation on the planet and we have done so since the beginning of our species.
We are children created from love and we were abandoned by our parents.
We are parents who love our children and we choose to never have any.
We are siblings and spouses whom we love and from whom we are estranged.
We are married and we are single and we are divorced.
We live in community and we live in isolation.
We are Latino and we are Asian and we are white and we are black.
We are people of faith and we are people who choose their own spiritual path or not at all.
We are conservatives and we are liberals.
We are involved and we are indifferent.
We are generous and we are jerks.
We own guns and we would never do so.
We eat meat and we are vegetarians.
We are pro-life and we are pro-choice.
We are elders and we are pre-teens.
We have little education and we have post-docs.
We are poor and we are rich.
We live in the cities and we live in the country.
We are boxers and we are baristas.
We are chemists and we are cowboys.
We are prime ministers and we are preachers.
We are teachers and we are technicians.
We are webmasters and we are welders.
We are salespeople and we are soldiers.
We are truckers and we are tailors.
We are janitors and we are jailers.
We are human.
We live and we die.
Just like you.
Explain to me again how we are different?
Jack Fitzsimmons
It takes a village to construct a trail
EDITOR: It takes a village to produce a sculpture exhibit, and that is what has happened over the past 16 years. During the past years I reached out to the community for a variety of tasks that needed to be done — welding, painting, engineering, photography, website, brochures, news articles, posters and more. I would like to thank the 2019 Cloverdale village: the volunteers, especially my indispensable associate, Janet Howell; the city of Cloverdale; and the Cloverdale Historical Society, producers of the Cloverdale Sculpture Trail, as well as past supporters.
The village also includes major sponsors, sculpture sponsors and donors. Without financial support, sculptures in Cloverdale would not have had a life span of 16 years, and perhaps to continue for at least 16 more years with continued financial support and volunteers.
Finally, I want to recognize the many talented sculptors, whose sculptures have graced the streets of Cloverdale during the years. Their talent and creativity have kept the Cloverdale Sculpture Trail alive. Peruse Past Trails to enjoy the artistry of past sculptors at our website
A complete list of sponsors, donors and volunteers can be found at the sponsorships page under “Thank You to Our Sponsors and Donors” at our website.
Joyce Mann
Coordinator, Cloverdale Sculpture Trail
To the Cloverdale City Council
EDITOR: On behalf of the board of directors, as well as our staff and the whole city of Cloverdale, we would like to thank you for your generous donation to the Cloverdale Museum and Historical Society. Your financial participation confirms your belief in the importance of preserving the cities history and legacy. Rest assured these funds will be used to allow the museum to better serve not only the city, but all of Sonoma County and beyond. Your foresight will enable us to continue to expand and grow, and your partnership is invaluable to our success.
Once again, thank you for believing in our beautiful museum and helping to make Cloverdale the best place to live and work.
Robert Redner
President, Cloverdale Historical Society

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