Wonder League baseball season a hit
EDITOR: The Wonder League baseball program, designed specifically for special needs children, wrapped up its 2019 season last Saturday at Healdsburg Recreational Park. The program, now in its fifth season, was spearheaded by the Healdsburg Sunrise Rotary Club, and helped by the Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Department and the Cloverdale Rotary Club.
Saturday’s game and awards ceremony was enhanced by the participation of the Prune Packers, a collegiate league team comprised of some very amazing young men who were more than happy to be on field “buddies” to the children. A barbecue and trophy presentation rounded out the festivities — we can’t wait for next season to begin.
A special thanks to Shaun Shields and his dedicated Healdsburg Sunrise Rotary Club volunteers, who without their hard work and caring hearts this would not have been possible. Also thanks to George Lawson, volunteer extraordinaire; Bob Cox, Cloverdale Rotary president; Coach Chance, for his dedication; and Garrett Perdigao, Healdsburg Community Services Recreation Supervisor. Please watch this newspaper for announcements of future special needs children’s programs coming soon.
Robert Redner
Cloverdale Rotary Club
Naming conventions
EDITOR: It was with some amusement that I read that the newly approved dispensary is called “Cloverdale Wellness.” This ‘newspeak’ baffles me. Why are the semantics and PC language so important? Why don’t they just call it the “Cloverdale Pot Shop”?
If there is anything so baffling is their use of the  term “wellness.” I would not describe a product, any product, as being conducive to ‘wellness’ when it shares over thirty major carcinogens with tobacco.
To me, it doesn’t matter if another “pot shop” opens in Cloverdale. I’m much more libertarian than most of the pro-pot people. I think that all drugs should be legal. This would reduce crime and the exorbitant costs of needless incarceration.
But, I also think that people should be fully informed of any product that they smoke or ingest. Then, they can make the decisions, based on fact, that are right for them.
C Jeff Kennedy

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