Rollie Atkinson

It’s been almost nine months since the fraudulent presidential election last November. Things are not looking good that the illegitimate Biden presidency will be overturned. This means all of us in Sonoma County and all other parts of the United States will have to endure the socialist and communist programs the far left Democrats are cramming through Congress. One can hardly wait for the 2022 mid-term elections to replace Nancy Pelosi with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

Until then, our Sonoma County school students will continue to be taught critical race theory. They will be told that when our Declaration of Independence said “all men are created equal” that it was a lie and didn’t mean to include women or people of color. Lots of our proud American history will be replaced with teachings about tolerance and diversity and other socialist propaganda.
At least there are many states with Republican majorities that are enacting laws to protect our elections from future fraud where immigrants, dead people and too many minorities get to vote. Our democracy can’t survive another election where a record number of people vote like they did in 2020 and vote to defund the police, support abortions and destroy our coal industry.
These voters are the people who keep calling the Jan. 6 “stop the steal” protests an undemocratic insurrection instead of the peaceful protest we saw on our own TVs. Anyone who has a different opinion than liberals or leftists is automatically labeled a Nazi or right wing extremist. We didn’t build The Wall and now millions of illegal aliens will come here to vote and replace us.
In Sonoma County, we have enough troubles with wildfires and a historical drought. We don’t need all the false messages and unproven science about climate change and vaccinations, too. We don’t need more socialism and being told by Big Government what we should do. Maybe it’s true that the COVID-19 vaccines are saving millions of lives. But this is being told by the same people who said the Nov. 3 election was legitimate and the Jan. 6 Capitol protest was violent and people were killed.
How much of this fake news are we supposed to believe? Should we believe human-caused climate change is making our wildfires more severe when we know poor forest management is to blame? Droughts aren’t manmade. The past two years of very low rainfall is just part of a natural cycle. We’re being forced to use less water by the same governments that forced us to shelter in place and crumble our economy.
When we can see and feel all these oppressive agendas by Biden and others from the relatively safe and sane confines of Sonoma County and our wine country, imagine how intolerable it must be to live in cities with Democrat mayors, so-called sanctuary zones or places with New Green deals.
What we really want is to be left alone and be guided by our own common sense. The less politics (and politicians), the better. We don’t want to argue about any of the radical B.S. we see on Facebook or Twitter. We’d just as soon have our old world back where our children never knew what a smartphone was and would rather play outdoor sports games instead of Tik Toking.
It’s too disturbing to keep being told our elections weren’t rigged and were free and fair. Being told over and over that the Jan. 6 protest was a violent insurrection and our democracy is being threatened is not productive. What are we supposed to do about all this? It’s one thing to be forced to get vaccinations and wear masks. But what comes next, permanent and mandatory water use limits?
What’s wrong with this picture?
(Written with acknowledgement to Lewis Carroll and Jonathan Swift.)

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