100 years ago – August 11, 1921
Chamber hears of highway name
A communication from the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce, asking that the Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce endorse the movement to name the highway from Sausalito to Eureka the “Redwood Highway,” was acted upon favorably, and instructions given the secretary to write of the favorable action.
75 years ago – August 16, 1946
Nylons offered girls at next band concert
Featuring community singing and square-dancing, Saturday’s “Gay Nineties” band concert drew a crowd estimated at nearly 4,000 persons to approach a record for Plaza attendance. This week, conductor Owen Sweeten has scheduled a “Cloverdale and Nylon” night band concert at which precious stockings will be awarded the girls as judged by the audience. Sweeten declared it took J. C. Penney Co., and Rosenberg and Bush six months to line up the prizes.  As guest artists Oscar DeRosier and Bill Rich will appear in a group of selections and Jimmie Dicke will put on an “unusual act.” He has been featured at the Persian room of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco for many months. His appearance is sponsored by three anonymous Cloverdale men. There will also be “The Nylon Parade,” judged by the audience.  This is your chance, girls!  Hollywood may be your future.
50 years ago – August 19, 1971
Campground approved; Trowbridge wins BZA votes
Sonoma County’s Board of Zoning Adjustments decided Thursday afternoon not to stand in the way of W. C. Trowbridge’s proposal to develop a camping facility near the Jimtown Bridge in Alexander Valley by approving his amended use permit application despite opposition from both the Healdsburg planning commission and county staff and the lack of plans for the project. Planning staff member Paul Skanchy told the BZA that the department had no objections to establishing an overnight camping area near where Trowbridge launches his fleet of canoes for their voyage to Memorial Beach, but he said Trowbridge had no plans for the proposal and that he had failed to meet seven of nine conditions on his present use permit. The 6.41 acre parcel is subject to flooding by the Russian River in the winter and would present traffic problems because of a sharp bend and a vision-limiting hump in the Alexander Valley Road. However, the area is a suitable campground site, with proper sanitation, camp area, road and flooding controls. Speaking for his father, Phil Trowbridge said he did not intend to allow campers, but couldn’t turn them away. He said the canoe business had many customers who came to the area expecting to camp overnight, use the canoes and then move on. He said no campground would be developed except for the canoe business, which would be limited to overnight stays.

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