As Windsorites look for ways to help those less fortunate this
holiday season, the Windsor Service Alliance is hoping residents
will remember the local food bank that has been serving the town
for 20 years.
“One of our basic needs is to make people aware that there’s a
food bank here in Windsor. They’ve been giving out food since 1990.
It’s important that people know they don’t have to go into Santa
Rosa to help,” said WSA board member Barbara Brown
WSA, located at 8987 Windsor Road (at the corner of Windsor
River Road and Windsor Road), provides a central location for
collecting and distributing goods, services and information to
Windsor residents.
The volunteer organization is currently serving up to 160 people
per week, a 30 percent increase from last year. WSA only serves
Windsor residents and clients must bring photo identification
before receiving services.
Brown said the holiday season is helping WSA meet demand, but
she said it’s tough to keep up with the need later in the year.
“We’re just barely keeping up,” she said. “The schools are bringing
in donations which helps and a lot of people are trying to get
their donations in by the holidays.”
She said volunteers were critically important to collecting and
distributing aid, “We have some great volunteers that come every
Friday to get ready for the clients,” she said. “A lot of people
have been working hard to collect for us and we really appreciate
Volunteer opportunities at WSA include envelope stuffers for the
organizations annual appeal letter, working on the board of
directors, helping coordinate the pantry, packing bags on Friday
mornings and driving pick-up routes.
Brown said the organization has some upcoming challenges. Aside
from the Post Office’s annual spring food drive, Brown said
donations drop off in the summer months. “In June, July and august
we have to stretch our dollar.”
She said the organization is also looking for a new location as
their current site will eventually be redeveloped along with the
now defunct fire station that borders their office. Brown said she
doesn’t have a timeline for moving and with the current downturn in
construction, it could be a couple of years before WSA has to leave
its building. She said the organization would prefer to stay on the
west side of town and is actively looking for anyone who may be
able to help them relocate.
Brown said residents who want to direct their support to Windsor
residents should look for WSA food donation barrels at places like
Exchange Bank, Town Hall and Downtown businesses. Residents can
also make a monetary donation by mailing a check (payable to WSA)
to P.O. Box 138, Windsor, CA, 95492.
WSA Programs
Food Pantry — WSA distributes food to residents on Friday
afternoons. Volunteers pack bags between 10 and 11:30 a.m. and food
is distributed between 2 and 4 p.m. Seniors are served first then
families. First time recipients are asked to arrive after 3 p.m.
and bring a photo ID and proof of residency. WSA stocks its pantry
with donations from local businesses, citizens and with food
purchased from the Redwood Empire Food Bank.
Emergency Assistance Program — WSA may provide a one time cash
payment to help cover an emergency expense such as rent or medical
bills. Requests are reviewed by the board of directors and Brown
stressed that it’s a one time assistance.
Christmas Food Baskets — In a joint venture with the Kiwanis
Club of Windsor, food and toys are provided to those in need for
the holiday season.
Emergency Food Assistance — WSA can schedule a one time
appointment for residents who are unable to make the regular Friday
Back Pack Give Out — WSA has provided back packs and school
supplies to local elementary school students for the past two
For more information, call 838-6947 or visit

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