The town council’s plate will be full on June 17 as they tackle a myriad of issues on their agenda.
Jaguar Way extension
There will be a public hearing on the extension of Jaguar Way, located just north of Windsor High School. The extension will connect Windsor Road and Starr Road. The council will be asked to consider adopting an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the project. They will receive a presentation for the concept alternatives prepared for the Jaguar Way extension and provide direction to staff on seeking grant funds to complete preliminary engineering and final design.
Interestingly, the town has received notification from Fish and Wildlife sighting the need for additional study to ensure that habitat for neither burrowing owls or Western Pond turtles, both “species of special concern.” In both instances, the species in question haven’t been spotted at the site but are potentially within range, so additional monitoring and exploration is recommended.
Other species that they want additional study for are the trees that will need to be removed (to ensure they are not a “Sensitive Natural Community”) and that native bat species will not be adversely affected.
Measure M
In the regular calendar portion of the meeting the council will be discussing the extension of Measure M, the “transportation tax,” that charges a ¼ cent sales tax. Local municipalities are meant to be discussing their potential support for placing the extension on the ballot this fall.
It will expire in 2025 and this pre-emptively extends it at the moment it expires.
Odds and ends
They will also be discussing executing an agreement with Sonoma County Transit (SCT) for the continuation of the Route 66/Windsor Shuttle “Fare-Free” program for the fiscal year 2020-21, not to exceed $24,000.
 In order to allow expanded opportunities to restaurants opening under COVID-19 health orders, the town is looking to pass an amendment to allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on public streets, parking areas and sidewalks in downtown. 
There will also be a presentation on the 2017-18 biennial Greenhouse Gas Emissions Climate Action Planning Update Report, and town staff will be seeking guidance on implementation strategies outlined in the report.
One interesting notice in the consent calendar items is the official “Calling and Giving Notice of an Election to be Held on November 3, 2020 and Establishing Estimated Costs.” Given all that’s happened, and the focus on national politics it can be easy to forget the local elections that are coming up.
Full agenda and Zoom instructions can be found at:

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