At the July 15 meeting of the Windsor Town Council, several items are up for presentation and discussion.
The meeting kicks off with a presentation from Sonoma County Fire District regarding the “State of the Fire District.”
There will be a public hearing on water, wastewater and recycled water rate increases that will include accepting the water and wastewater financial plan and rate update study final report. Rate increases are proposed to start at 2% in Jan. 1, 2021 and end up at 5% by July 1, 2024. Wastewater rate increases start at 6% on Jan.1, 2021 and then increases to 7% by July 2024.
The council will introduce and hold the first reading, by title only, of an amendment to the town’s Tree Preservation and Protection ordinance, which will allow a portion of the mitigation fees collected for tree removals to be used for maintenance of trees in the downtown area, maintenance of protected trees on publicly-owned property throughout the town and purchase and installation of trees on public and private property throughout the town.
The council will also receive a presentation on the status of the Potter Valley Project. The Potter Valley Project (PVP) is a hydro-electricity project owned by PG&E and regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The project, which includes Scott Dam and Cape Horn Dam, has been in operation since 1908. The PVP FERC license expires in April 2022 and in January 2019 PG&E withdrew the notice of intent and discontinued the process to prepare a re-license application with FERC. The PVP conveys water from the Eel River to the East Branch Russian River. Much of this water then flows to Lake Mendocino, one of the critical sources of Sonoma Water and the Town of Windsor’s water supply from the Russian River. The future of the PVP could affect Russian River water supplies and so the future of the PVP is critical to Windsor.
The council will also appoint two councilmembers to serve on the Town of Windsor and Windsor Unified School District Joint Civic Center Ad Hoc Committee.
The next meeting of the Windsor Town Council takes place on Wednesday, July 15, at 6 p.m. at the Civic Center Council Chambers, 9291 Old Redwood Highway, Bldg. 400.
Meetings can also be viewed online here: Minutes-Videos and select View Event at the time of the meeting. The meeting will be conducted by Zoom, meeting I.D. 990 8809 3273.
Please submit public comments via email at to*********@to***********.com or by raising your hand on the Zoom meeting.
It is still possible to attend meetings in-person but be advised that seating is very limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis and mask and social distancing protocols must be observed.