The Town of Windsor Parks and Recreation will be hosting a free Trick or Treat Trail at Keiser Park on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will require registration from participants, details of which will be coming soon.
In the meantime, the town is looking for booth sponsors/creators to make the trail happen.
“Currently, we are accepting applications from community groups, nonprofits and businesses who want to host a socially-distanced booth to pass out candy along the Trick or Treat Trail. Please share this fun opportunity with anyone who has a business, non-profit, or is a community group who may want to participate,” the town said in a statement.
The application can be found here:
Booth hosts must supply their own giveaway (factory sealed candy or treat, branded item, themed toy, etc.). No homemade or unsealed food items will be permitted.
Booth volunteers must pass a health screening, wear a mask, and wear gloves if handing out treats.
Booths must be decorated for Halloween. One six-foot table will be provided upon request. All other booth decorations must be provided by the hosts. Each booth space is 10 feet by 10 feet. There will be a prize awarded to the booth with the most creative decorations.
Booth hosts must practice social distancing and offer a creative way to get treats to participants while maintaining the required 6-foot distance (candy slide, tossing game, candy claw, are some possible ideas). A prize will be awarded to the booth with the most innovative giveaway method.
Booths must be set up and ready by 10:30 a.m. and be staffed for the duration of the event. No booth will be allowed to leave the event early.
Participants are encouraged to remember that this is a family-friendly event for children ages 12 and younger. All decorations, giveaways and costumes must be appropriate for children, and the town of Windsor reserves the right to remove a booth or a giveaway item if the above guidelines cannot be met.
Questions and completed applications can be directed to Hilary Dunn at [email protected].

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