Dominic Foppoli

According to a statement released through the town of Windsor, Mayor Dominic Foppoli will be “stepping away” from his official duties, but he continues to assert his innocence and makes no indication of any plans to resign.
Foppoli is accused of sexual assault against at least six different women, following an April 8 article in the San Francisco Chronicle. On April 14, the town held a meeting for the council to demand his resignation, which he declined to do, even in the wake of six hours of unanimous public comment requesting he step down.

“As I have said so many times before, I have loved Windsor my whole life,” Foppoli’s April 16 statement begins. “Through prayer and in speaking with residents over the course of this week, it has become clear to me that the town council will not function at the level expected by its citizens if I remain actively involved, given the strong reaction to the allegations against me. Though I maintain full innocence under the law, I have decided to step back from an active role as mayor until the formal investigation is complete. I do not want my presence or participation to create a distraction or cause any additional hurt for our residents.
“I will be available to sign resolutions and, in an extreme circumstance, join a meeting to create a quorum if one of my colleagues is conflicted out. While the investigation is underway, I will not be present at town hall nor attend any more meetings in my capacity as mayor,” the statement concluded. “I will take this time to sit quietly, and reflect on my life. I know that Vice Mayor (Sam) Salmon will lead with dedication through this turbulent time. Thank you to everyone who continues to have faith in our political and judicial processes and in our wonderful town.”

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