The Windsor Town Council meeting this week will kick off with the declaration of the results of the special election held earlier this month and the oath of office being administered to Rosa Reynoza.
In the proclamation portion of the meeting, there will be a proclamation in support of the survivors of sexual violence and a commitment to making the community a safe haven where sexual violence will not be tolerated. It will be followed by a proclamation in favor of Pride Month.
The first item on the regular calendar is for the council to decide how to fill the at-large mayor seat now that Dominic Foppoli has resigned. The options include appointing a mayor from the current sitting council (however that person’s council seat would then need to be filled, either by appointment or special election), appointing an member of the public to the seat (via straight appointment, an application process or by choosing from recent election results) or by holding another special election, likely in the fall.
That will be followed up by discussion on the proposed operating budget and capital improvement project and the annual adjustment to maximum compensation and rates for garbage rates with Sonoma County Resource Recovery.
There will also be a discussion of potentially appealing the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for Windsor with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). Windsor is facing a 126% increase in RHNA allocations, as is most of the county. However, the council agenda notes that only 1 on 50 appeals is successful.
Finally, the council will provide guidance on appointments to various city selection committees and boards.
The next meeting of the Windsor Town Council takes place Wednesday, June 2 at 6 p.m. If you would like to provide public comment, submit them via email to the council by 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting: [email protected]. 
Members of the public can participate in the meeting by visiting: or by dialing 877-853-5247 and
Enter Webinar ID: 978 9962 3525
The meeting will be live streamed at:
The meeting can also be viewed on Comcast Channel 27
and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. 

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