Gabriel A. Fraire

I’ve never been much of a fan of reality TV. But now that there is a new show called “The White House,” I find myself becoming one of those people who stop to watch a car wreck.
I have not watched the TV news for decades. I gave it up when it shifted toward the entertainment industry and ratings became more important than content. But, now I can’t help but watch (PBS Newshour) almost every day.
I have to admit at first I watched simply because each day was a new day of chaos and surprises. The cabinet nominees were mind-numbing. The process reminded me of the play/movie “The Producers.”
For those who don’t know it, the storyline is that a theatrical producer sells more than 100 percent interest in his next play to multiple people. His idea is that he will produce the worst possible show, it will close in one day and none of the investors will be the wiser. In order to complete his plan he hires the worst writers, actors, directors, the worst at every possible position because he wants the play to fail.
I couldn’t help but think of that play because it seemed to me that the president was deliberately trying to find the worst person for each cabinet nominee. Big time bankers to run finance, a person who has never supported public schools for Secretary of Education, an Alabama racist to protect our civil rights.
However, now I believe the new president thinks he really is the people’s choice. He acts as though he received a mandate from America to do as he wishes. And, unless some Republicans can find a backbone he just might.
I find it all pretty sad and very scary. An egomaniac with a short fuse has access to the nuclear codes. And, there don’t appear to be many politicians interested in trying to rein in the guy.
Another really scary thing is I know that if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it. And all the current administration appears to do is lie.
I cancelled my New York Times subscription during the campaign because it seemed to be a public relations firm for Hillary Clinton. I also found myself questioning all TV news outlets. But, that is exactly what a dictatorial government wants. It wants to discredit the news media. That I had my doubts shows that the plan can work. I chastised myself for being sucked in, don’t you be fooled. Most of the news media involves hardworking people, well-intended, doing the right thing.
Although investigative journalism is seldom affordable for any news outlet it is essential that there remains a free press. The first thing a dictator does is close down the press. We can’t let that happen.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. I see much activism throughout the country with a broad spectrum of people involved, many for the first time. I am encouraged to see many baby boomers reignited. The 1960s may seem like ancient history to some but many of us from that era are still alive and now once more beginning to kick.
I am also encouraged by the large number of women interested in becoming politicians. If Congress were filled with a majority of women we would all be better off.
Two children at play, one boy and one girl. They find sticks. The little boy uses it as a gun or a sword. The little girl uses it as a magic wand. We need less swords and more magic. Women of the world, unite. We need you.
Gabriel A. Fraire has been a writer more than 45 years. He can be reached at

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