Making the case that substandard housing is a public health issue, long time tenant’s rights attorney, Edie Sussman, advocated for rent control and just cause eviction in her presentation to the Windsor Democratic Club on Sept. 28. Sussman represented 36 former tenants of the Bennett Valley Townhomes in a lawsuit against the owners of the property. The plaintiffs recently agreed to a Sonoma County record $2.7 million settlement. She noted that substandard living conditions can often lead to respiratory conditions, including asthma, and other health issues, which impact the level of health in our communities.
Frequent complaints by the tenants of mold and rodent infestation, as well as leaking roofs and defective plumbing and heating systems, were not addressed by the property managers. The renters then complained to the City of Santa Rosa code enforcement department, which, after personnel inspected the property, directed the owners to remediate the conditions in which the tenants were being forced to live. The renters were low income, primarily Latino, some of whom were undocumented. The code enforcement officer signed off on the complaints without physically inspecting after the owners told him that the problems had been corrected. This proved to be untrue and the tenants joined together in seeking legal assistance from Sussman who has been involved in this aspect of legal practice since the mid-1980s. She applauded the courage of the tenant group who persevered through the hardships of the long process.
In addition to the financial award to the tenants, Sussman noted several other positive outcomes to the case. Forced to reduce the number of code enforcement personnel by budget considerations caused by the 2008 recession, the city of Santa Rosa has now increased those numbers. The city is now working to create a program of yearly inspections to all rental properties to ensure that adequate standards are being met. She said that she feels that the city of Santa Rosa is way out in front of other county municipalities and the county itself on this issue.
She said she is optimistic that a rent control measure and a just cause eviction proposition will be on the 2018 Santa Rosa ballot. With the very tight county housing market driving rent increases, low income renters are forced to accept substandard, fringe housing. A rental inspection program, if implemented in Santa Rosa, may become a model for the entire county.
For additional information on the Windsor Democratic Club visit the website at The site feature news on the club, as well as news on the Sonoma County Democratic Party and other county Democratic clubs. The club meets next on Oct. 26.

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