A group of passionate, knowledgeable high school students, most of whom are part of 350 Bay Area’s Youth Vs. Apocalypse activism group, will present the Green New Deal to Windsor Democrats on Thursday, March 28.
The Green New Deal is a movement which has the support of young people nationwide. A resolution recently introduced in Congress, the Green New Deal addresses climate change and good jobs for all as interconnected issues to be solved together. The Green New Deal outlines the kind of social, political and economic mobilization which will enable the United States to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in 12 years.
Youth are demanding that elected officials take immediate action to end dependence on fossil fuels, support this resolution locally and secure a future with a livable climate for generations to come. The presenters will explain—in depth—the goals of this resolution, how mobilization for climate justice can look in our community, and why support for it is crucial in these trying times.
The Windsor Democratic Club meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at the Windsor Round Table Pizza, from 7 to 9 pm. Free pizza provided. For more information, see www.windsordemocrats.org or look on Facebook for the Windsor Democratic Club.
-Submitted by Rick Massell