The Healdsburg City Council will meet virtually on Monday, Aug. 16, at 6 p.m. to discuss two old business items, the Healdsburg Arts and Culture Master Plan and the Foley Family Community Pavilion.

During the meeting, council members will consider adopting the arts and culture master plan, which has been in the works for many months and they’ll also consider approval of the revised schematic design for the Foley Family Pavilion, the long-awaited community project at the Cerri site on North Street.

The Aug. 16 meeting will be held via Zoom.


Announcements and reports

United Kindness proclamation

The United in Kindness Campaign promotes and encourages all Sonoma County residents to find ways to foster and sustain acts of kindness throughout the community.

On June 9, 2020, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a gold resolution endorsing the United Kindness Campaign.

According to the city proclamation, the United Kindness Campaign actively works with Sonoma County schools to promote sustainable, self-guided discussions on respect for others, inclusiveness, anti-bullying and daily acts of kindness.

Over 1,500 Sonoma County residents have signed the United Kindness Declaration of Unity and 46 Sonoma County organizations, both secular and non-secular, have endorsed the declaration.


City manager report

Healdsburg City Manager Jeff Kay will provide an update on COVID-19 and local case rates and  there will also be an update on the drought and on the city’s water supply.


Arts and culture master plan

The city council will consider adoption of a city arts and culture plan that’s been long in the making.

The purpose of the Healdsburg Arts and Culture Master Plan is to serve as a guide for the support of cultural development in the city of Healdsburg.

The plan’s primary goal is to enhance the artistic identity and cultural life of Healdsburg for its residents, visitors and businesses. The plan also emphasizes the need for partnerships, funding for arts and culture, philanthropic opportunities, cultural equity and an examination of the use of existing resources, ongoing asset research and further defining public art.

In addition to the primary goal, the plan lays out five arts and culture goals, each with their own initiatives.

To view the list of goals and initiatives, check out the agenda item report here.

According to the agenda item report, “Thirty-four community members comprise the Creative Leadership Team (CLT) who act as a steering committee and ensure the plan is reflective of the Healdsburg community. The CLT consists of residents, artists, business owners, non-profit organizations representatives, educators, Healdsburg 2040 representatives and Parks and Recreation commissioners.”

Additional community outreach on the plan included 45 targeted stakeholder meetings and interviews with over 100 community members, three community town hall meetings, 14 CLT meetings, two focus group discussions with Comite Corazon, a panel discussion with Healdsburg students in grades 3 to 12, cultural arts and facilities field trips and a community survey, which garnered 526 responses.


Foley Family Pavilion

The council will also consider approval of a revised schematic design for the Foley Family Community Pavilion at 3 North Street.

On March 3, 2020, the Healdsburg City Council considered a $7 million pledge from the Foley family to create a community event space and pavilion out of the old Cerri building on North Street.

After considering various project options, including affordable housing, the city council voted unanimously in favor of working with the Foley Family Charitable Foundation to prepare a mutually agreeable commitment letter to accept the pledge and move forward with the pavilion project.

Additionally, city council directed the design team to explore extending the roof area across the entire structure in order to make the site work better for year-round use.

Following up on the city’s direction, the design team for the community pavilion project looked at a few design options.

According to the agenda item report, “The solution the design team came up with is a mix of solid and translucent panels that will allow some natural light to pass through while also controlling heat.”

Renderings of the roofing solution can be found in the agenda item report.




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