2:10 a.m. Suspicious circumstances on East 3rd Street. Reporting party reports a short person wearing a hat, shirt and shorts is in her neighbor’s yard.

11:10 a.m. Traffic complaint on Santana Drive and South Cloverdale Boulevard. Two callers report northbound and southbound lights stay on green, Santana Drive lights stay red and aren’t allowing for turns, so people are crossing in front of oncoming traffic. Officers responded and controls are functioning properly. 

8:56 p.m. Juvenile problem on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Caller reports his 12-year-old juvenile son is out of control and throwing things. 


12:14 p.m. Cruelty to animals on North Washington Street. Reporting party reports a silver car threw a cat out of the window in front of this house, unsure if dead or alive, cat is still in front of the house. 

1:38 p.m. Burglary auto on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports an iPad was stolen from a vehicle. 


12:18 a.m. Suspicious circumstances at Cloverdale Depot. 911 reporting a large amount of water coming from an unknown location at the train depot.

2:58 p.m. Miscellaneous service at business on South Cloverdale Boulevard. Clerk requests officer move along male in a black T-shirt and jeans. Reporting party reports subject will not wear a mask so they are refusing service. 

6:49 p.m. Miscellaneous service at business on East First Street. Reporting party reports water leaking and alarm from inside of the business, believes freezer or something might be failing. Water pooling inside and leaking to sidewalk. 

9:44 p.m. Prowler on E. 3rd Street. Reporting party reports a female in a tank top was just in her backyard and is now walking into her neighbor’s yard. Officer reports citation to appear.


6:50 a.m. No injury accident on Cherry Creek Road. 911 reports two-vehicle accident. 

12:38 p.m. Petty theft report on North Cloverdale Boulevard. Reporting party reports bike stolen from front potch, brand new, $350. 

3:53 p.m. Ciivil problem on Caldwell Street. Caller reports his son stole 12 puppies from his yard and brought them into the house. 

10:39 p.m. Juvenile problem at business on Sandholm Lane. Reporting party reports two older juvenile males are jumping off the sign at this location on a Razor scooter. One is wearing a neon green shirt, with hat and the other is in all black. Gone on arrival. 


2:39 a.m. Suspicious circumstances on E. 1st Street and Asti Road. Reporting party reports hearing a female yelling and cussing and she has woken his whole family up. Moved along. 

9:58 a.m. Vandalism on North Washington Strreet. Caller reports vandalism to vehicle, officer responded.

7:40 p.m. Warrant arrest at Cloverdale Police Department. Self-surrender. 


8:28 a.m. Domestic related incident on E. 4th St. Verbal between male and female, child screaming.

10:22 p.m. Juvenile problem on W. 1st Street. Reporting party reports four to five juveniles walking down the street in this area being loud and cussing. Gone on arrival. 

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