The Best of Show winner for the 2005 Cloverdale Annual Sculpture Exhibit was William Wareham for his sculpture “Without a Shout.” The same year, Wareham donated this sculpture to the City of Cloverdale and moved to its present location on the north side of Citrus Fair Drive near Cloverdale Boulevard.
In his artist statement, Wareham defined his piece as “Organized chaos or disorganized order? I am trying to find that balance where these two actions (order and chaos) find a brief harmony of diffused energy in collaboration. This is an abstract formalist sculpture that in a metaphorical way relates to our daily lives. From the order we shape our lives inside to the unknown, and perhaps disorder we will encounter around the corner. As we try to find equilibrium and balance in our lives, sometimes we are more successful than others.
Wareham has been using recycled steel as the primary source for his sculpture. Yet, he goes far beyond what most artists do with recycled materials.
“It is the pre-used history that the material inherently holds, he says, that inspires him. These worn-out metal things will continue to have life by gathering, refocusing and rejoining into a collective other life.”
Whether creating massive works, pieces for estate collections, human scale sculpture, unique tables, benches and chairs, or pedestal-size pieces, Wareham remains true to his inner drive to capture the viewer’s consciousness through his powerful abstract sculptures.

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