At its regular meeting Wednesday, the Cloverdale Unified School District (CUSD) Board of Trustees is slated to discuss a handful of items relating to district construction and the school accountability report cards for all of the district’s school sites. Additionally, the board will be holding a public hearing to possibly approve the housing plan and use of pupils grants to help fund a gymnasium at Washington School. The meeting will be held in person at 6 p.m., pending completion of the board’s closed session. The full agenda can be found here.

Before the agenda’s discussion items, the board will be receiving a presentation as part of the “district spotlight” portion of the meeting. The presentation will cover student and staff impacts and reactions to the new facilities at Jefferson Elementary.

Measure H and District Construction

A sizable portion of Wednesday’s meeting will be dedicated to Measure H updates and items having to do with district construction projects. Included in this is both a Measure H update and an update about facilities and summer projects. 

The board will also be discussing an augmented proposal for construction management services from Van Pelt Construction; an inspection services agreement for its portable relocation project; a proposal from King Consulting Professional Services to continue working with the district on matters surrounding maximizing funding resources and working with housing developers.

Later on in the meeting, the board will consider approving a resolution accounting for development fees for 2020-21.

Public Hearing — Gymnasium funding

At the board’s special meeting on Jan. 4, it approved use of new construction pupils grants to construct a new gymnasium at Washington Middle School. 

According to the board agenda, “According to the State School Building Program, new construction project funding is based on the number of pupils housed in the classrooms being constructed in the project. In accordance with Regulation Section 1859.77.3 the SAB has concluded that an application for new construction, which does not include adequate classrooms to house the number of students contained in the application, must develop a plan to demonstrate how the pupils will be housed and adopt the plan by school board resolution. The District must acknowledge in the resolution that the funds for the purpose of housing students are being diverted to an alternative use and acknowledge that the State has satisfied its obligation to house the pupils for which the District has requested grants.”

The district is seeking the funds to build a gymnasium on the Washington campus because it doesn’t currently have one. While the resolution approved by the board earlier this month had to be submitted to the Office of Public School Construction by Jan. 4, the Education Code stipulates that the resolution needs to be approved at a regular board meeting. Because of this, the board is holding a public hearing and ratification of approval.

School Accountability Report Cards

As part of the district’s annual update of its School Accountability Report Card (SARC), the board will consider approving the individual SARCs for Jefferson, Washington, Cloverdale High School and Johanna Echols-Hansen Continuation High School. 

Per the board agenda, the SARC is meant to “tell the story” of each school, gathering data on student achievement, environment, resources and demographics.

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