At its meeting Wednesday night, the Cloverdale Unified School District Board of Trustees is slated to discuss the district’s audit report, the superintendent’s salary and employment agreement, planning for future transitional kindergarten facilities and more. To view the full meeting agenda, go here.

Additionally, the board will be holding a series of ribbon cuttings Wednesday afternoon to celebrate its recently completed Measure H projects. The ribbon cutting begins at 2:15 p.m. at Jefferson School, heads to the CHS track and field at 2:45 p.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. at Washington School’s gymnasium and multipurpose room.

In part, the board will be discussing the following items at the Wednesday night meeting:

Planning for TK

A recent state law mandating the rollout of universal transitional kindergarten (TK) over the next four years means that Cloverdale’s school district has to begin looking at how it might accommodate TK classrooms. 

In this initial presentation, King Consulting will present an overview of facilities issues as well as sources of funding to help construct appropriate classrooms. According to the board agenda, more information about universal TK will be presented to the board before June 30.

In an August 2021 interview with SoCoNews, CUSD Superintendent Betha MacClain cited the addition of facilities as one of the biggest hurdles the district will have to overcome in its implementation of universal TK.


The district’s director of curriculum, instruction and accountability and its chief business official will be presenting an update on the district’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). 

According to the California Department of Education, the LCAP is “a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes.” The mid-year check-in is required by the state and will include available mid-year outcome data related to the 2021-22 LCAP and expenditure and implementation data related to the LCAP.

Using Measure H funds to update the district’s camera system

While the board will hear an update on Measure H projects earlier on in the meeting, it will also be considering the approval of a project that would upgrade the district’s camera system. The project is estimated to cost $161,765.


The board will consider accepting the independent audit for the 2020-21 fiscal year and approving the Sonoma County Office of Education’s recommended corrective actions for the 2020-21 audit.

Superintendent Salary

The board will be presented with an oral recommendation regarding salary and benefits for district Superintendent Betha MacClain and, relatedly, consider the approval of the superintendent’s employment agreement. As of Wednesday morning, Feb. 16, the board’s agenda doesn’t outline what salary and/or benefit amounts might be discussed.

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