At the most recent monthly meeting of the Cloverdale American Legion, two Cloverdale residents were presented the President’s Volunteer Service Awards for their work on behalf of the Northern Sonoma County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). 

Philip Brooks received a Gold Award and Robert Cox received a Silver Award. The accompanying letter on White House stationery said in part: 

“The American story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us … By sharing your time and passion, you are helping discover and deliver solutions to the challenges we face – solutions that we need now more than ever … On behalf of the American people, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you for your volunteer leadership, and I encourage you to continue to answer the call to serve. The country is counting on you.”

Signed Joseph R. Biden 

Each recipient received a lapel pin, an award certificate and the letter from the President. 

CERT Program Manager Geoff Peters presented the awards and added his thanks for the hundreds of hours of volunteer time the recipients devoted to CERT and to community safety. 

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