RAIN OR SHINE Cloverdale's 132nd annual Citrus Fair is ongoing this weekend, until Feb. 19.

The Cloverdale Citrus Fair announced this week that it’s debuting a new scholarship competition at the 2022 Citrus Fair. The Ambassador Scholarship Program is a shift from the fair’s long-standing queen pageant and is open to all high school juniors and seniors from Cloverdale and Geyserville. The 2022 Citrus Fair will take place Feb. 18-21.
​​“As we prepare to celebrate our 130th year, we felt it was time to re-evaluate the way we recognize and support our youth as they prepare to enter college, trade school, or the workforce,” said Dylan Davis, board president of the Cloverdale Citrus Fair Association, in a press release from the fair.
According to the announcement, the need to shift to a new program was partially made because queen pageant applications have been steadily decreasing over the years, “signaling a time to try something different.”
Cloverdale’s first Citrus Fair queen was selected in 1924, with Mary Bettini chosen as queen because she sold the most fair tickets. Over time, the program shifted to put more of an emphasis on making it a scholarship opportunity. The queen pageant will be showcased and honored in a special presentation during the Citrus Fair on Feb. 18.
Through the Ambassador Scholarship Program application process, five participants will be chosen. Of those five, the student selected as the ambassador will receive a $5,000 scholarship and the runner up, the associate ambassador, will receive $2,500. The remaining participants will each receive $825. The money may be used for college, trade school, or professional training and certification and is being underwritten by the Citrus Fair Association.
The application process includes and considers recommendations, community service, academic performance and written communication.
According to the announcement, “The five students who are selected will participate in a panel interview and presentation program in front of an audience which will help determine the winner. In addition, they will participate in service-learning time for the fair, rotating through the various departments to learn about the administrative, marketing, planning, and facility elements that make up the field of venue management  and the production of a fair. Participants will also attend skill development workshops to improve their interview, resume writing and presentation skills.”
Whoever is selected as the ambassador is required to represent the Citrus Fair at public events, much like the Citrus Fair queen has in the past.
“Participants in the Ambassador Program will be able to learn about event planning and venue management  as a career option while also learning valuable skills that will serve them no matter what career or educational avenue they choose,” said Allison Keaney, Citrus Fair CEO. “For the students chosen as the ambassador and associate ambassador, that development continues through the year.”
Applications for the Ambassador Scholarship Program may be found online at the Citrus Fair website and at the office at 1 Citrus Fair Drive. Applications are due Jan. 12.
The 2022 Citrus Fair will be the first in-person fair that Cloverdale has had since 2020. This year, the fair held a drive-thru Citrus Fair that invited community members into the fairgrounds parking lot to buy fair food, see outdoor exhibits and cruise by a car show. 

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